這是我查到的出卡時間: 2004 Fleer Platinum Baseball Release Date - February 24, 2004
2004年棒球卡中這算是非常早上市的, 大多數的卡都是春訓時拍照,簽名, 最快在4, 5月球季開打才出的來!
賣家是住在 2A Trenton Thunder 當地老美.
簽名的樣式 是春訓小簡化的横式新人RC簽後的簽式 -- 第二個小簡化: 建字的左半部 引 字部首已經相對上簽的比較小了, 而且完全被包住了.
簽式,出卡時間, 賣家 都符合, 没問題 非常滿意迅速地買下.
建仔簽的真是美啊 ! ~END~
4 則留言:
I collect Chien-Ming's cards as well, you posted a link of my site on here in the past, franksfieldofdreams.com just wondering if you have any extra cards of Wang and other Asian MLB players' card that you would like to trade/sell.
Hi Frank!
I like your site a lot, and really appreciate your sharings in collecting asian players to us all! It's heart warming to find your site to have some references to lots of autos for my potential collecting players.
I mainly collect Taiwanese players in USA, specifically in Wang's auto variations starting from 2000. I have more of his auto variations that I haven't shown here yet, but they're all for my pc.
BTW, I relly like your Wang's auto that I linked from your site previouly. You chose the right card for Wang to sign!
So do you have any doubles of Chien-Ming Wang? I have two extra Tsao and three extra Kuo that I can trade (all unsigned)
I actually have more than just that card signed by Wang, he signed all the ones I got of him back in 2004 (I been collection since his just 2k card came out) and the bowman's best was my favorite one.
Hi Frank,
I like your choice of the Bowman's Best for autograph. Maybe you should show more of Wang;s autos in your site, I definitely would love to see them. As for trading, my son is 8 now and starts to show great interest in collecting baseball,nba,nfl cards. I trade with him a lot and I think eventually I'll give him all my cards. Any doubles of my Wang, Kuo, or Tsao, Hu my son takes them from me now! I'll show him your site in the future, he collects cards but only spend time on websit e for play game. Your site will be a great help for me and my son to build our own collection! Thanks for sharing agagin!