送了四張簽名卡到JSA鑑定今天回來了,結果3張通過鑑定(Auth),一張是没結論無法判定(Inconclusive),來看看圖吧! SGC的封盒一般的共識是最好看的,果然封起來的質感確實是好很多,而且是很好的保護.
最後這一張41號簽也有一張標籤其中一個大大的NO字 2007 NO CHARGE DO NOT GRADE,外面貼了一張貼紙上面寫著inconclusive, JSA 網上這兒有列出四個鑑定結果的可能:Pass(通過),Fail(没通過),Clubhouse(家人,秘書等代簽),Inconclusive(没結論無法判定).
Inconclusive - In rare cases a clear conclusion as to the autograph's authenticity is unable to be determined. In such circumstances, after exhaustive review it is not possible for the authenticators to reach a consensus with any level of confidence; therefore no opinion can be rendered. If your submitted item falls into this category, a credit voucher is issued in the full amount of the fee, which can be used towards a future submission.